`` Redwood Bridge Club

Introduction to Bridge 1
Introduction to Bridge 2
Polishing your Basics
Modern Notrump Bidding

Introduction to Bridge 1 (Part 1 of 3)

Classes starts on February 4, 2025

Class is six weeks

Meets Tuesdays from 9:30 am - 11:30 pm

Cost is $180 for all six weeks.

Start from the very beginning. We only start new beginner classes twice each year.

Topics covered will include:
        Mechanics of the Game
        Strategy of the Game
        Opening One Notrump
        Opening One of a Major

Level is Beginner

Teacher: David Walters

Signup Here for Introduction to Bridge 1

Introduction to Bridge 2 (Part 2 of 3)

Classes starts on March 18, 2025

Class is six weeks

Meets Tuesdays from 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Cost is $180 for all six weeks

Upon completion of this course, students will start playing bridge. Part three of this course only starts after students have had many play sessions practicing what they learned in parts one and two.

Topics covered will include:
        Opening One of a Minor
        Trumping for More Tricks
        Responder Bids Notrump
        The Second Round of Bidding

Level is Beginner

Teacher: David Walters

Signup Here for Introduction to Bridge 2

Polishing your Basics

Class starts on Tuesday, Oct 1st

Class is six weeks

Meets Tuesdays from 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Cost is $180 for all six weeks or $40 per class

This class is to help students have a clearer perspective on basic bidding as well as discuss topics generally not covered in a beginner class. Topics covered will include:
        Categorize your Strength
        Which suit do I bid first?
        Goldilocks and the Three Balanceced Hands
        Bidding with Minimum Hands
        Help Suit Game Try
        Major Suit Limit Raises

Level is Beginning/Intermediate

Teacher: Philippe Gagne

Signup Here for Polishing your Basic

Modern Notrump Bidding

Class starts on Wednesday, September 18th

Class is six weeks

Meets Wednesdays from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Cost is $180 for all six weeks or $40 per class

This class provides a comprehensive set of bidding rules all centered on various notrump bid by opener. And of course, fun and challenging hands to play. Topics covered will include:
        Notrump Ranges: depending upon the bidding sequence
        Do you know how many HCP opener is promising?
        Advancing your understanding of Stayman sequences
        Advancing your understanding of Jacoby Transfers
        Texas Transfers
        Minor Suit Transfers
        Gerber and Quantitative Notrump
• Level is Intermediate/Advanced

Teacher: David Walters

Sign up Here For Modern Notrump Bidding